How the program works:
Enrolling Communlity Energy Savings Program
Earn a $55 e-gift card
For allowing small, temporary adjustments to your thermostat during times of high electric demand.
Stay in control
You can opt out of thermostat adjustments at any time from your mobile device, web browser or thermostat.
The Community Energy Savings: Smart Thermostat Program is a voluntary program for electric customers who have eligible smart thermostats connected to central air conditioning. The program is designed to help reduce energy use during times of high electric demand, which helps lower energy costs for everyone in our community.
The Community Energy Savings Program is offered by the Village of Bradner.
Bradner 2024 Utility Rates
Click here for the current utility rates.
Utility Bills
Utility Bills are sent out the 1st of the month and due by the 10th. After the 10th of the month, they are considered delinquent and a 10% penalty will be added to the bill.
How to Pay Your Utility Bill
1. Mail your payment and stub. (must be postmarked before the 10th to avoid penalty)
2. Place your bill stub and payment in an envelope and drop it off in the blue payment box located on the north side of Town Hall in the driveway.
3. Pay the Utility Clerk during normal business hours.
4. Credit card payments: Accepting American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. Customer absorbs all credit card fees in addition to utility payment. Go to bradner.ohiobillpay.com.
Request for Utility Service
To request new utility service (water or electricity), you can either stop in to Town Hall and fill out a “Request for Utility Service” form, or print off the form online here. Note – there is a $20.00 non-refundable service charge for each meter read for new service.
Disconnection of Services / Final Utility Read
If services are terminated, the total remaining balance and the reconnect fee on the account must be paid in full before services are restored.
Customers who have their services terminated two (2) times in (12) twelve consecutive months will have their account placed on a month-by-month basis, meaning the bill must be paid in full each month for 12 consecutive months. Accounts not paid by the 10th will receive a termination notice with payment due no later than the 20th of the month or the next business day following the 20th of the month or services will be shut off. The account will remain in the month-by-month status until it is paid on time for 12 consecutive months.
Only cash or money order will be accepted as payment for accounts on the month-by-month status.
Rental Property owners will be sent a copy of termination notices.
Non-Sufficient Fund Fees
There will be a $20.00 fee for all NSF checks.
No two-party checks will be accepted.
No post dated checks will be accepted.
If two NSF checks are written in 12 consecutive months, the bill will need to be paid by CASH or MONEY ORDER.
Please note: Customers who fail to sign out when moving out will continue to be responsible for all utilities. Final read paperwork is located in the utilities’ office in Town Hall, and must be signed.